Water purification industry information

In the context of the global COVID-19, the development of the water purification industry is a weather vane

Views : 53516
Update time : 2021-09-18 11:11:12
With the standardized development of the overall market, the water purification industry that has gone through the barren period of development is constantly moving in an orderly direction. Especially when natural disasters such as epidemics and floods hit successively, consumers' awareness of healthy water has been continuously improved, while at the same time it has injected strong endogenous power into the development of the water purification industry. In the context of a severe global COVID-19, where will the development of the water purification industry go?
The wind vane of the water purification industry
The degree of intelligence continues to deepen

Due to the rapid development of global information technology, the two innovative technologies represented by the Internet of Things technology and artificial intelligence technology have undergone repeated iterations and innovations. While gradually expanding the field of human cognition, they are also in various industries and fields. In the process of wide application, continuous innovation and subversion of the development trend of various industries.

Some water purification companies that pay more attention to intelligent applications are taking the lead in using software and hardware integration emerging technologies such as applets, APPs, and remote intelligent monitoring equipment to enhance the collection of user habits, filter life, daily water consumption, water quality changes and other data Automated functions such as, analysis, control, maintenance, etc., and finally use big data technology to mine various user value information hidden in large-scale data to achieve low-cost and high-efficiency operation results, and at the same time lead the market demand and new technology for enterprises The R&D provides a more solid and reliable foundation.

Comprehensive drinking water solution

With the improvement of the overall quality of life, people have also put forward higher requirements for drinking water. They are no longer limited to pure drinking water safety, but hope to improve the quality of drinking water from all aspects of life. At present, in addition to drinking water, users are also more concerned about other life water scenarios, such as kitchen water, bath water, tea/coffee water and so on.

However, from the current market sales data, the purchase rate of whole-house water purification products is still at a low level. The main reason is that there is little understanding of water purification products in the whole house, such as cognitive limitation: no or little understanding of central water purification/soft water products; currently only considers the safety of drinking water, and has not paid attention to the purification of domestic water such as bathing water. ; The family has a small population and does not need central water purification/central soft water products for the time being. In addition, it is also limited by price and installation. Because the price of products such as central water purification/central soft water is relatively high, the cost of replacing the filter element in the later period is also high, and it takes up a large space and is inconvenient to place. It is necessary to plan and lay pipelines in advance. With the improvement of drinking water health awareness, users' overall acceptance of whole-house water purification products has gradually increased. Therefore, whole-house water purification has also expanded steadily from the overall capacity and gradually become scale.
Whole house water purifier

The commercial market is promising

Nowadays, the awareness of water hygiene has been significantly improved, but the use of direct drinking water is still limited by space. Especially the clean water in public places still has problems.

The second and third tier markets have great potential

For a long period of time, water purifier manufacturers are mainly distributed in first- and second-tier cities, and the competition among enterprises is fierce, and the market is becoming increasingly saturated. Nowadays, residents in third- and fourth-tier cities are becoming more and more aware of health. Third- and fourth-tier cities have become an important part of the strategic layout of many insightful water purifier manufacturers. It can be said that third-tier cities and even fourth-tier cities The blue ocean attribute of has been highlighted.

At present, the low-line market is becoming a new growth point for the retail industry, but the pursuit of high-quality products and services has become the common pursuit of people nowadays, and it is also one of the important manifestations of the consumption upgrade in the low-line market. And water purifiers are gradually being recognized in cities and rural markets below the third-tier. Furthermore, the permanent population of cities and towns below the third level exceeds 50% of the total population of my country. Water treatment conditions in these areas are poor. With the improvement of living standards, consumers are paying more and more attention to drinking water health and hygiene, and the potential consumer demand market has huge potential. .

The consumption potential of the future water purification market is huge. On the one hand, there is still a lot of room for expansion of the market capacity, and after-sales maintenance and filter replacement, etc., will bring a service market of hundreds of millions of dollars. On the other hand, my country's consumption power continues to increase. With the upgrading of consumption and the increasing public concern about environmental health, water purification equipment is expected to continue to grow rapidly in the process of industry transformation.
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